(Disclaimer: The following post is a musing, the result of spinning around an idea in my head and spitting it out on the screen not a statement of truth but ideas. I would love your thoughts on the matter. Conversation = GOOD.)
"One may say that God is the ground and source of logical principles, but God's logic transcends human logic just as his being transcends human being. God is not subject to the law of noncontradiction as a principle of human discourse, but this law is subject to the will of God, who sanctions it as reflective of his own nature."--Bloesch pg. 35
This statement began swirls of thoughts in my head.
First lets define "the law of noncontradiction"- It is not possible that something be both true and not true at the same time and in the same context. A contradiction consists of a logical incompatibility between two or more propositions.
Example: A chair cannot be made completely of wood and not be made completely of wood.
First off I believe that often times we (humans) act is if we have superior intellect than God and subject him to our notions. He is not subject to the laws of logic but is the creator of them. Thus to reiterate Bloesch, God is not subject to the law of noncontradiction, He is its master.
Jesus is completely God and completely man. The hypostatic union. God is one, yet in three persons Father, Son and Holy Spirit exists in a loving community, united, one. The trinity. God is both outside of time yet working and moving in time. God in man.What?!?
"It is sometimes alleged that even God is bound to the law of noncontradiction. But God is not bound to anything external to his being, though he is true to himself, to what he has revealed and promised. He cannot contradict himself, but this does not mean that he cannot overturn or shatter principles of human logic..."(Boesch pg. 34)
This brings me to my main thought...question...argument. God is not subject to the law of noncontradiction but He is its master and creator. In our thoughts (theories) of God then, they are not subject to the laws of noncontradiction. Thus our actions in relation to God (based upon the above theories) are not subject to the laws of noncontradiction. I say this because if God is above the law of noncontradiction and does not contradict himself in essence and is not able to be fully known and is above our logic, the supposed contradictions that we come in contact with are not contradictions but aspects of God that are beyond our comprehension. God is the basis of our truth, the truth is the basis of our actions yet sometimes the truth and the resulting actions seem opposed.
For Instance we believe God to be unknowable but we strive our whole lives to know Him. We will never be perfect in this life yet we strive for Christ's perfection. God knows all that we will do or say or think yet he desires us to pray and communicate with him and ask things of Him. God knows FAR better than we that he is good, great, mighty, awesome, etc. Yet He desires that we praise Him as such and more (Given, these are non pure contradictions but are more pragmatic contradictions in which there is definitely a tension between each idea).
Basically I am saying, our actions based on true justified belief in God may sometimes seem opposed and some of the things he has asked us to do seem unreasonable...Maybe we just don't...understand... And that's ok, we don't have to, I mean we never fully will anyways (I'm not saying we don't seek knowledge and understanding but if it becomes a problem where you just "Can't answer this questiosn!!!" It's ok, a little tension in life is a good thing. This line of thought could allow us to focus on our obedience to His word rather than supposed contradictions or trying to fully systematize God to the nth degree. God is unknowable, there is no contradiction in God, His logic supersedes our own...And that's ok.